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Redakcja RHS


Andrea Cossu, Matteo Bortoloni, Italian Sociology 1945–2010. An Intellectual and
Institutional Profile, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2017, 137 ss. (J. Kilias) [s. 111] ■ Christian Dayé, Stephan Moebius. Soziologiegeschichte. Wege und Ziele, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 2015, 575 ss. (M. Tokarzewska) [s. 113] ■ George W. Steinmetz (red.). Sociology & Empire. The Imperial Entanglements of a Discipline. Duke University Press. Durham — London 2013, 610 ss. (M. Głuszkowski) [s. 120]

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