Dorobek twórczy historiografii polskiej socjologii (część pierwsza)
Although history of sociology is not very popular among Polish sociologists, a remarkable number of thematic works are published. However, they include mainly works written to order by amateurs to commemorate some anniversaries, jubilees (of people and institutions) or to honour the late scholars. And the works that focus on the heart of the matter are in the minority. Moreover, in these sparse synthetic studies of history of Polish sociology the problems of sociological thought prevail. And even though the issue of sociology institutionalization receives a relatively broad cover, works on the development of empirical sociology, on the history of the sociologist profession, or the question of the influence of sociology on society etc. are in fact missing. Relatively much attention is paid to particular sociological theories (mostly Marxism and positivism), whereas history of research projects is investigated to an unequal extent. In addition, studies of historical approach to theoretical and methodological issues, that concentrate on the history of Polish sociology, reception of foreign achievements as well as the development and relations of sociology with other sciences are almost in their germ state.