Lubelsko-warszawska szkoła socjologii religii. Rozważania na temat ciągłości myśli naukowej na ATK i UKSW
The main theme of this text is, therefore, to show the process of shaping sociology as an academic discipline at the Academy of Catholic Theology and the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. This process refers to the idea of the cognitive continuum of scientific thought, as well as research and typically organizational, so to speak — “economic” solutions. The traditions of teaching sociology at ATK date back to the mid-1960s, however, in the history of the formation of the discipline in this particular environment, references to earlier founders of academic sociology in Poland, such as Franciszek Mirek or, indirectly, Florian Znaniecki himself can be found. The key factor here will certainly be the awareness of the need to establish sociology in the emerging centers of academic thought, as their complement and, at the same time, a space for the development of the entire sphere of university humanities.
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